Da Enzo Project

  • Da Enzo is a restaurant located in Trastevere—a neighborhood in Rome, Italy. It is a classic and homey Italian nook with a lot of personality.

  • While abroad in Rome, everyday I would walk by Da Enzo. There was always a line around the corner in the evenings. The restaurant was widely known, but had not kept up with its increasing popularity. In my opinion, Da Enzo needed a fresh look, with more legible menus and designs that aligned with its identity. This is how my passion project began. On my own time, I decided to redesign Da Enzo’s brand.

  • Da Enzo began with Enzo—the previous owner of the tavern. In my design, I wanted to embody Enzo’s playful, social, and generous manner. In my designs, I wanted to modernize while maintain connection to place. By illustrating “Rome” in the eyes of Da Enzo, I found myself sketching Enzo’s glasses. While Enzo is no longer here, the glasses are a reminder of his presences.

Original Menu 

Redesigned Menu

Redesigned Merchandise